Service requests can be submitted via your myHOMEbase.

myHOMEbase links are provided to homeowners when the deal is waived. Within your myHOMEbase, homeowners have access to:

  • Real-time access to construction schedule tracking
  • Home progress photos and videos uploaded by your on-site team
  • A library containing your home’s contractual documents
  • Access to serviceQ’s ticketing system to submit warranty requests once you take possession
  • A comprehensive resource center for tips on homeowner maintenance
  • A moving resources section with essential tools to help plan your move
  • Customer referral program details
  • Ability to leave feedback and reviews

To submit a service request, being by visiting your myHOMEbase and navigating to the “Tickets & Warranty” tab. From there, click the “Submit a service request” button. This will take you to the serviceQ ticketing system. Click “submit a ticket” and follow the prompts to submit your service/warranty request.