August 24, 2020
Your Step-by-Step Guide to Buying a Rental Property

Purchasing a rental property is one of the biggest milestones of your life, and it is no easy feat to accomplish. It can often feel overwhelming, especially if you are a real-estate novice.

However, don’t break a sweat just yet. Here is a comprehensive guideline on everything you need to know before making a real-estate asset purchase. Read More

August 24, 2020
People You Should Have on Your Real Estate Investing Team

Real estate can be a big investment and is seldom done without a full panel of researchers and advisors. If you are interested in venturing into the illustrious world of property asset management, you need to first build a formidable real estate investing team.

Key members you need to have on your real estate investing team are: Read More

August 24, 2020
6 Reasons Investors (and Tenants!) Love New Edmonton Communities

Are you looking for a property that is safe to invest and yields stable returns? Are you worried you might not be able to afford properties in metropolitan giants such as Montreal or Toronto?

If you answered yes to either of these questions, then Edmonton could be the solution! Read More

Financing Investing 
August 24, 2020
What Credit Score Do You Need for an Investment Property?

Real estate is one of the main streams of income for many of the wealthiest in the world. To understand the importance of credit scores when seeking a mortgage, we first need to understand what the phrase “credit score” actually means. Read More

August 18, 2020
Investment Property Down Payment Requirements

Income properties are all the rage these days, and it’s easy to see why. Mortgage rates are low and the demand for high-quality properties is high, so if you have a nice place to rent out, you can easily supplement… Read More

August 11, 2020
3 Fabulous Home Styles for Downsizers

When you start to think about downsizing, there’s a lot to consider. However, few things are as important as choosing the right home style and floor plan. This is the foundation of how your home feels and functions, and without the right floor plan, your home is never going to feel ‘right’ for you. 

You’re going to want to consider your options carefully, so where should you start? Here are a few home styles that offer great floor plans for those looking to downsize. Read More

August 4, 2020
Edmonton Community Feature: The Best of Kinglet

Before you can commit to building your home, you need to find the perfect community. If you haven’t found it yet, then you’re going to want to give our newest neighbourhood, Kinglet a chance. It’s an absolutely gorgeous setting that’s perfect for those who want to be close to nature without having to sacrifice all of the amenities you’ll find in urban areas. Read More

Buying a New Home Financing
July 28, 2020
RRSP Down Payments: Everything You Need to Know About The Home Buyers’ Plan

The Home Buyers’ Plan was created by the government to help Canadians get over the big hurdle of saving up a down payment for their home. It allows qualified individuals to borrow up to $35,000 from their registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs) to use toward their down payment. The money needs to be repaid within 15 years to avoid having it count as taxable income. Read More

July 16, 2020
How To Prevent A Sump Pump Failure

A sump pump’s purpose is to remove water that has accumulated from flooding your house, from sources such as rain, melting snow, or groundwater in areas which have a high water table. Unfortunately, sump pumps run the risk of failing, due to many reasons. Read More

June 23, 2020
How Will The COVID-19 Crisis Affect Your Home Value?

The COVID-19 crisis has impacted almost every area of our lives, and there’s no way to tell for certain what the lasting effects will be. Naturally, the uncertainty of the future creates a lot of worry in our lives, including the housing market and what we should prepare for. Read More

June 19, 2020
Can I Make Changes To An Evolve Home?

For rear detached garage home products (Laned Homes), we do not allow any changes to be made. For our laned home Evolve product, Sterling provides customers the opportunity to select the interior colour chart, depending on where the home has arrived in it’s construction. Read More

Buying a New Home
June 16, 2020
The Philosophy Behind Our New Evolve Series

There’s been a lot of excitement about our newest Evolve line of homes, and for good reason. These homes offer many of the things that home buyers are looking for in a brand-new home without the inconveniences that might tear them away. Read More